Welcome to Katamari Kalamiti

Welcome to my blog on Katamari Damacy.  I have been inspired by this game since I first played it in 2005 with a friend who knew I would just love the game.  I have been hooked ever since.  The reason I chose to blog about Katamari Damacy was because, at first glance, the game looks like fluff but the more I read about it, the more I became fascinated by it.  It was created by a student in college, using computer programs that even I have!  When I set out writing this blog there were a few things I specifically wanted to know.  The first was where the initial concept for the game came from, the second was what genius thought of the soundtrack, and the third was how could such a small title become so popular.  Throughout my studies on Katamari I came to realize that it wasn’t just one thing that made the game so popular; it was the perfect combination of fun art, easy game play, interesting story, great music, and creativity that made the sleeper-hit a success.  It's one of those rare gems of a game that surpasses any one genre; that’s why I love Katamari Damacy, and I hope you will too!

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